Articles on: coreFORCE Advanced & Enterprise

coreFORCE - Products: Managing Product Reviews

coreFORCE Advanced and Enterprise Only

Product Reviews are a great way to increase your SEO and encourage customers to purchase the products on your website. 

By default, a product review is approved automatically and is immediately made public. However, there are two additional steps you can take to manage the product reviews that make it onto your website.

Go to Orders -> Setup -> Settings tab and search "review".

There are two preference settings that can be set here.

1) The first preference setting simply requires that the customer be logged in in order to create a review. This has the advantage of filtering out bots.

2) The next setting requires all new reviews to be tagged as "requires approval". This preference setting will help prevent false reviews. If you're going to use this setting, you should also be sure to go to the Notifications tab and search "review" and enter the email address where you would like to receive notifications. Make sure to click save before leaving.

If a review is marked "Requires Approval" it will need to have this box unchecked in order for the review to go live. To do this go to Products -> Products -> Reviews Open the review record you'd like to make live, uncheck the box, and click save. 

Updated on: 06/28/2024

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