Articles on: coreFORCE Advanced & Enterprise

coreFORCE - Memberships: Add an Email to Subscription Orders

coreFORCE Advanced and Enterprise Only

First we need to write an email to send to your customers so go to

Contacts > Email > Emails

From here fill in the unique Email Code and Description

Ensure that you select your email in the Send From drop down menu

and then build the email you wish to send your customers who order a subscription

To set the email specifically for your subscription orders go to 

Orders > Settings > Automatic Processing Controls

In the Details tab set a Description

Under the conditions tab trigger it if  "Contains product in category" and select your category for your subscriptions from the drop down menu.  

Then in the Actions tab under Send Customer Email select the email you set up from the drop down menu

You may also want to use the "Set order status" drop down so these don't clutter up your orders dashboard with subscription orders that don't require attention.

Updated on: 07/08/2024

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