Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Work Orders: Sending Item Back To Supplier For Repair

Click on Dashboard

Jump to the Work Order Dashboard:

To access the central location for managing all your work orders within coreSTORE, navigate to "Work Orders" from the main menu. Then, click on "Dashboard." This screen provides a comprehensive overview of your work order activity.

Step 1 screenshot

Find your Work Order

Ready to Send for Repair?

Once you have your "Out for Repair" status set up, simply locate the work order for the item you're sending out. Click "Edit" to update its information. Within the edit screen, you can then change the status to "Out for Repair" to reflect the item's journey for repairs.

Step 2 screenshot

Select Out for Repair

Refine Work Orders: Use the selection box near "Current Status" to filter by "Out for Repair" (or similar wording) and focus on repair-related work orders.

Step 3 screenshot

Work Order Info

Work Order Status Updated!

After editing the work order, you'll see the status bar now reflects "Out for Repair."

Step 4 screenshot

Search for your return to supplier.

Select Your Repair Partner:

With the work order in edit mode and the status set to "Out for Repair," locate the "Supplier Search Bar" (or similar field). Here, you can enter the name of the specific supplier you're sending the item to for repairs.

Step 5 screenshot

Click on Done

Save the Changes:

After selecting the repair supplier, click "Done" (or similar button) to finalize the status change on the work order. This ensures coreSTORE reflects the updated status ("Out for Repair") and the chosen repair partner.

Step 6 screenshot

Out for Repair

Work Order Status Updated Visually:

Head back to your work order dashboard. You'll see a visual update (color change an) next to the work order status, now reflecting "Out for Repair." This provides a quick and easy way to identify the repair status at a glance.

Step 7 screenshot

Using the select feature and status bar

Marking Item Returned (Alternative Method):

Here's another way to update the status when your repaired item arrives:

Locate Work Order: Find the work order for the returned item on your work order dashboard.

Select Work Order: Check the box next to the desired work order.

Update Status: In the work order display header (where information about the selected work order is shown), look for the "Status" selector. Choose "Received Repaired Item" from the options to reflect the item's return.

This alternative method allows you to update the status for a selected work order directly from the dashboard.

Step 8 screenshot

Click on OK

Click Okay to finalize this change.

Step 9 screenshot

Search for desired supplier.

Identify the Repair Vendor:

When updating the work order status to "Received Repaired Item," you will see a field labeled "Supplier". If your system requires it, enter the supplier number to identify the vendor who performed the repairs. This step helps track which supplier handled the repair.

However, some systems might not require this information or might have a pre-filled supplier field based on the "Out for Repair" status selection.

Step 10 screenshot

Click on OK

Click okay to save changes.

Step 11 screenshot

Mass Update Work Order Status

Bulk Actions for Efficiency:

Need to update the status for multiple work orders at once? CoreSTORE allows you to select several work orders on the dashboard and change their status simultaneously. This can be particularly helpful when receiving a batch of repaired items from a vendor. Simply check the boxes next to the desired work orders, then use the "Status" selector (likely in the work order display header) and choose "Received Repaired Item" to update them all in one go.

Step 12 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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