Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Sales: Tax Group Setup

If you have multiple tax levels, such as state and county, you can set up each level in coreSTORE by creating a Tax Group. This is useful for separating taxes for reporting purposes. In the steps below we have setup a tax group that includes State, County, and City tax rates.

## # coreSTORE

Access the Company->Settings screen
Step 1 screenshot

Click the Taxes section
Step 2 screenshot

Start with entering the State level tax, enter a name and the tax rate
Step 3 screenshot

Click on Add Rate to Add the other Rates
Step 4 screenshot

Enter the other tax rates
Step 5 screenshot

You can name the group.
Step 6 screenshot

Cumulative Taxes

Cumulative tax rates calculate each tax based on the amount including the previous tax. Non-cumulative tax rates calculate each tax based only on the original amount, without including any other taxes.

In the US, typically tax rates are NOT cumulative.

Step 7 screenshot

Make sure to click Save, to save your changes.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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