coreSTORE - Sales: Selling a Variation Item
coreSTORE - Sales: Selling a Variation Item
In this guide, we will cover how to sell a variation item. There are several ways to accomplish this, including scanning the item's barcode, searching for the exact variation name, or selecting the overall model and using the Variation Selection dropdown box
1. Click on New Sale
Navigate to New Sale by selecting the Sales menu option and the New Sale submenu. Alternatively, you can use the Start a New Sale favorites button located on your coreSTORE Dashboard.
2. Select Register
Select the register that the sale will be assigned to.
3. Search
In the search field, type the overall item name. For example, if the overall product name is AFHL, it will display all six variations associated with it. However just hit enter and do not select a specific variation.
4. Variation Selection
In the Item Details section of the sales screen, you will see a Variation option with an empty selection. Click on the empty link to choose the variation you wish to sell.
5. Select Variation
Choose the variation you wish to sell.
6. Click on Check Mark
Click the check mark button to finalize your variation selection.
7. Search
Another method is to search for the overall item number for your variation. This will display all the options that fall under the specified item.
8. Select Variation
Select the variation you wish to sell from the search pane.
9. Search
The final method to add a variation to the sale is by scanning or entering the corresponding barcode you assigned to the variation item number.
10. Customer Selection
In the top-right corner of your sales screen, you can assign a customer to the transaction if you wish to track the sales history under a specific customer.
11. Continue
Once the customer is added to the sale, click on the Continue option or select one of the quick payment buttons, such as Cash or Card, to proceed.
12. Payment Type
Select the payment type for the transaction and click on Add Payment.
13. Click on Complete Sale
Click on Complete Sale to finalize the transaction.
Updated on: 12/23/2024
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