Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Sales: Processing Returns

In coreSTORE, there are three primary methods for processing a return. We will cover each method in detail.

## # coreSTORE

From the Sales Screen, Click on the ... in the Top Left Hand Corner
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Lookup Receipt
Step 2 screenshot

You can either search for the sale by its ID or use a scanner to scan the sale ID from the bottom of the receipt if the client has brought it in.
Step 3 screenshot

Click on Create Return
Step 4 screenshot

Process the Return

If the sale does not yet have a client attached, you can add one by searching your customer database, manually entering their details, or scanning their driver's license. To complete the return, select a payment method using the quick pay buttons or choose from the custom payment options on the continue screen, such as store account, check, gift card, etc.

Step 5 screenshot

2. Searching Through Your Customer Database

This option allows you to quickly access a specific customer's recent transactions, making it ideal if they have lost their receipt. Start by pulling up the customer by searching for them or scanning their driver's license, then click on their name.

Step 6 screenshot

Recent Sales

Once this screen is pulled up, you can then click on the correct sales receipt that this client is looking to return.

Step 7 screenshot

Click on Create Return

Proceed with the return as usual after the receipt is pulled up.

Step 8 screenshot

3. Manual Return

Click on the green "Sale" button from the sales screen

Step 9 screenshot

Click on Return From the Dropdown Menu
Step 10 screenshot

Choose the Item You Are Returning by Scanning or Searching for it.
Step 11 screenshot

Processing the Return

Process the return as usual. Before completing the return and selecting the payment method, you can add customer information or link the return to an existing client account

Step 12 screenshot


Although there are several ways to process a return in coreSTORE, each method serves a specific purpose and ensures that the return is genuine, based on historical purchasing evidence and common practices, such as returning an order directly from a receipt.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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