coreSTORE - Sales: How to turn on Customer Facing Display
Customer Facing Displays are those customer-facing screens that display your order details, including items, prices, and the running total. This real-time information loop keeps you informed and ensures a smooth checkout experience.
## # coreSTORE
Click on the 3 dot menu
To turn this on, first your display will need to be logged into coreSTORE.
Open a register and click on the 3 dot menu.
Click on Customer Facing Display
That's it!
The display will update whenever you add items to the sales screen inside of the same register.
## # coreSTORE
Click on the 3 dot menu
To turn this on, first your display will need to be logged into coreSTORE.
Open a register and click on the 3 dot menu.
Click on Customer Facing Display
That's it!
The display will update whenever you add items to the sales screen inside of the same register.
Updated on: 06/26/2024
Thank you!