coreSTORE - Sales: How to return a serialized Consignment to a Customer
This guide details the process of returning a serialized consignment to a customer. Serialized consignment items are treated a little differently in coreSTORE, making the return process slightly different from standard returns.
## # coreSTORE
Create a new sale
Click on New Sale
Enter the serial number into the search bar
Add the customer to the sale
Change the selling price to 0
You can also change this to a custom amount if you are going to charge a fee
Click the checkmark to update the price
Suspend the sale
You will need to suspend the sale into whatever type you use to generate the 4473
After the 4473 is complete you can proceed to the next step
Go to the suspended sales page
Unsuspend the sale
Click on Continue
Complete the sale
## # coreSTORE
Create a new sale
Click on New Sale
Enter the serial number into the search bar
Add the customer to the sale
Change the selling price to 0
You can also change this to a custom amount if you are going to charge a fee
Click the checkmark to update the price
Suspend the sale
You will need to suspend the sale into whatever type you use to generate the 4473
After the 4473 is complete you can proceed to the next step
Go to the suspended sales page
Unsuspend the sale
Click on Continue
Complete the sale
Updated on: 06/26/2024
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