Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Sales: How to return a serialized Consignment to a Customer

This guide details the process of returning a serialized consignment to a customer. Serialized consignment items are treated a little differently in coreSTORE, making the return process slightly different from standard returns.

## # coreSTORE

Create a new sale
Step 1 screenshot

Click on New Sale
Step 2 screenshot

Enter the serial number into the search bar
Step 3 screenshot

Add the customer to the sale
Step 4 screenshot

Change the selling price to 0

You can also change this to a custom amount if you are going to charge a fee

Step 5 screenshot

Click the checkmark to update the price
Step 6 screenshot

Suspend the sale

You will need to suspend the sale into whatever type you use to generate the 4473

Step 7 screenshot

After the 4473 is complete you can proceed to the next step

Go to the suspended sales page
Step 9 screenshot

Unsuspend the sale
Step 10 screenshot

Click on Continue
Step 11 screenshot

Complete the sale
Step 12 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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