coreSTORE - Sales: Add a Credit Card Fee
You have the ability to add a customized fee for whatever payment type the customer is using - credit cards, debit cards, cash, etc. Follow this article to learn how to customize those payment type fees.
## # coreSTORE
Click on Company
Click on Settings
Click on Payment Types
Add your Markup/Markdown
Here you can add a separate fee for each payment type.
Apply Fees to Online Payments
If you are using the online payment feature inside of coreSTORE you have the option to apply these fees to that as well.
Note: The online payment feature only works if you're using the coreCLEAR gateway.
Credit Card Fee
In this example, we’ve set up a Credit Card Fee in the settings. When you choose Credit Card as the payment type on the sales screen and click "Add Payment," the fee will automatically appear as a line item on the sale, making it easy to see.
## # coreSTORE
Click on Company
Click on Settings
Click on Payment Types
Add your Markup/Markdown
Here you can add a separate fee for each payment type.
Apply Fees to Online Payments
If you are using the online payment feature inside of coreSTORE you have the option to apply these fees to that as well.
Note: The online payment feature only works if you're using the coreCLEAR gateway.
Credit Card Fee
In this example, we’ve set up a Credit Card Fee in the settings. When you choose Credit Card as the payment type on the sales screen and click "Add Payment," the fee will automatically appear as a line item on the sale, making it easy to see.
Updated on: 06/26/2024
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