Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Sales: Add a Credit Card Fee

You have the ability to add a customized fee for whatever payment type the customer is using - credit cards, debit cards, cash, etc. Follow this article to learn how to customize those payment type fees.

## # coreSTORE

Click on Company
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Settings
Step 2 screenshot

Click on Payment Types
Step 3 screenshot

Add your Markup/Markdown

Here you can add a separate fee for each payment type.

Step 4 screenshot

Apply Fees to Online Payments

If you are using the online payment feature inside of coreSTORE you have the option to apply these fees to that as well.
Note: The online payment feature only works if you're using the coreCLEAR gateway.

Step 5 screenshot

Credit Card Fee

In this example, we’ve set up a Credit Card Fee in the settings. When you choose Credit Card as the payment type on the sales screen and click "Add Payment," the fee will automatically appear as a line item on the sale, making it easy to see.

Step 6 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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