Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Reports: Navigating Summary Sales

Summary Sales Reports in coreSTORE provide concise overviews of your store's sales performance within specific time frames. These reports consolidate key metrics such as total sales, average transaction value, number of sales, and profit percentage, empowering you to make informed business decisions quickly.

Click on Reports
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Sales
Step 2 screenshot

Click on Summary Reports
Step 3 screenshot

Click on Report Options

coreSTORE offers comprehensive reporting options to cater to various business needs:

Tier Name: Filter reports by specific tiers

Date Range: Select a range to view sales data within a specified period.

Compare Date Range: Compare sales data between two different date ranges.

Item: Filter reports based on specific items or products.

Tax Group: Segment sales data by different tax groups.

Sale Type: Analyze sales based on different types such as Sales, Refund, Trade-In/Buy-Ins, etc.

E-commerce Transactions Type: View transactions specific to e-commerce sales Included, Excluded, or just e-commerce sales only.

Group By Day, Week, Month, or Year: Aggregate data based on different time intervals.

Non-Tax Only: Filter to view sales excluding tax amounts.

Export to Excel: Export detailed reports to Excel for further analysis.

Generate PDF: Create PDF summaries of your reports for easy sharing and archiving. (Ensure that your pop-ups and redirects are set to your CS URL in the Chrome browser)

Locations: Filter reports by specific store locations if you have multiple locations

These options provide flexibility in generating detailed insights into your sales performance and operational trends within coreSTORE.

Step 4 screenshot

Click on Submit after you adjust your options
Step 5 screenshot

The dashboard will display a summary report showing the total overall amount.
Step 6 screenshot

Click on Add to Favorites

Clicking on "Add to Favorites" in the summary report allows you to save frequently accessed data for quick and convenient future reference.

Step 7 screenshot

Just give it a report name and Hit OK
Step 8 screenshot

You can print the report by clicking Print

Step 9 screenshot

Click on Configuration settings if there is any column that you don't necessarily need on the dashboard by unchecking/checking the list

Step 10 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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