Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Reports : Membership Sales Detail

coreSTORE - Reports : Membership Sales Detail

In this guide, we will cover how to run the Membership Report in coreSTORE. This report allows you to verify that your membership sales are being accurately recorded, whether they originate from coreSTORE or your web service. Additionally, it provides the option to focus specifically on recurring payments, enabling you to track and confirm your subscription-based recurring revenue.

1. Click on Reports

First, locate the Reports menu option on your left-hand navigation bar to access the available reporting options.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click on Sales

Since these are membership sales, the report you need will be found under the Sales Report options.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Click on Membership Sales Detail Report

Locate the Membership Sales Detail Report within the Sales Reporting options.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Tier Name

Selecting Tier Name allows you to filter the report by the membership tier linked to the customer in coreSTORE. This helps you focus on specific membership levels.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Date Range

The Date Range selection allows you to filter the report based on specific dates. This is useful for tracking new signups or recurring payments within a custom date range by adjusting this setting accordingly.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Ecommerce Transactions

The ECommerce Transaction filter allows you to specify whether to include, exclude, or only show eCommerce member signups. This makes it easy to filter and identify customers who signed up for a membership through your website.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Renewals

The Renewals filter lets you include, exclude, or only view recurring payments. This is particularly useful for identifying your monthly recurring revenue separately or in combination with new signups.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Missing CoreFORCE Order Number

This filter allows you to identify whether the subscription is missing the coreFORCE Order associated with the membership. This is helpful for pinpointing subscriptions that were created directly in coreSTORE rather than through the website.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Export to Excel

The Export to Excel field allows you to export the report data into an Excel file, making it easier to manipulate the data if you have your own formulas or sheets to work with.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Generate PDF

The Generate PDF option allows you to create a PDF version of the report. Additionally, when using the PDF export, you can specify an email address to send the report. This feature is particularly useful for sharing information with your accounting team or other stakeholders when running reports.

Step 10 screenshot

11. Locations

The Location selection allows you to specify which locations you want to include in the report. By default, it is set to your current location.

Step 11 screenshot

12. Channels

The Channels selection allows you to filter transactions by specific sales channels. This helps you identify which channels are generating the most traffic and sales.

Step 12 screenshot

13. Click on Submit

After configuring your filters to your preferences, click Submit to generate your report.

Step 13 screenshot

14. Membership Tiles

After generating your report, the tiles will populate with data based on your filtering options. This provides a quick overview of key metrics, such as profits, without the need to sift through all the line item details.

Step 14 screenshot

15. Report Detail

In the Report Detail body, you will find detailed transaction information for each membership or renewal based on your established filters. To print this information, use the Print button. Alternatively, you can return to the filters to export the data or generate a PDF for printing.

Step 15 screenshot

Updated on: 12/13/2024

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