coreSTORE - Reports: How to Access Your Favorited Reports
You can access your favorited reports in one of two different ways.
From the Dashboard: Any report that you Add to Favorites will appear on the Dashboard in the Common Tasks section (as seen outlined below in red), and will take you directly to an auto-generated report of that type.
From the Reports module: In the Reports module, listed at the top of the category list, is a category titled Favorites (1). Click on this category, and all of your favorited reports (2) will be listed to the right of the category list. Here you can also delete a report from your Favorites by clicking on the X button (3), or rearrange the way that they will show on your Dashboard by clicking on the report's name, holding down on your mouse, and dragging it to where you want (the report on top will show to the right of the Close Register button as seen above outlined in red, and the subsequent ones will show starting from the left to the right underneath the Close Register button and the first favorited report as seen above outlined in blue). (For an example of how this works, see the steps in process: Modules Section Guide)
From the Dashboard: Any report that you Add to Favorites will appear on the Dashboard in the Common Tasks section (as seen outlined below in red), and will take you directly to an auto-generated report of that type.
From the Reports module: In the Reports module, listed at the top of the category list, is a category titled Favorites (1). Click on this category, and all of your favorited reports (2) will be listed to the right of the category list. Here you can also delete a report from your Favorites by clicking on the X button (3), or rearrange the way that they will show on your Dashboard by clicking on the report's name, holding down on your mouse, and dragging it to where you want (the report on top will show to the right of the Close Register button as seen above outlined in red, and the subsequent ones will show starting from the left to the right underneath the Close Register button and the first favorited report as seen above outlined in blue). (For an example of how this works, see the steps in process: Modules Section Guide)
Updated on: 06/26/2024
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