Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Reports: Generating Payment Summary Report

Learn how to generate a Payment Summary Report in coreSTORE. This guide will help you compile comprehensive summaries of all payment transactions, providing valuable insights into your sales and financial performance.

Click on Reports
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Payments
Step 2 screenshot

Click on Summary Reports
Step 3 screenshot

Click on Report Options

coreSTORE offers comprehensive reporting options to cater to various business needs:

Date Range: Select a range to view sales data within a specified period.

Compare Date Range: Compare sales data between two different date range

Employee: Filter payment reports by individual employees to track performance and transactions

Sale Type: Analyze sales based on different types such as Sales, Return, or ALL

Payment Type: Segment reports based on different payment methods such as cash, credit card, or any other payment types added to the system

Export to Excel: Export detailed reports to Excel for further analysis.

Generate PDF: Create PDF summaries of your reports for easy sharing and archiving. (Ensure that your pop-ups and redirects are set to your CS URL in the Chrome browser)

Locations: Filter reports by specific store locations if you have multiple locations

Step 4 screenshot

Click on Submit
Step 5 screenshot

The Payment Summary Report will display the payment type, number of transactions, and total amount within the selected date range
Step 6 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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