coreSTORE - Purchasing: Receiving Variation Items
coreSTORE - Purchasing: Receiving Variation Items
In this guide, we will walk you through the receiving process for variation items using the PO & Receiving Module. This process allows you to efficiently receive large quantities of variation items and print their corresponding barcodes.
1. Click on PO & Receiving
Navigate to the Purchasing module and select the PO & Receiving submodule from the coreSTORE navigation bar.
2. Search Field
In the search field, look up the main variation product item.
3. Click on Variation
Once the item has been entered, locate the Variation link in the product details of your receiving line item.
4. Click on Item Variations
Click on the Item Variations link to quickly input the quantities for the various colors and sizes of the product you are receiving.
5. Click on OK
Click on OK to finalize the receiving quantities for your products.
6. Cost
Ensure that you update the cost so it is correctly reflected for the corresponding products.
7. Selling Price
Verify that a selling price is established for the item. If you need to update the existing price, simply click on the Selling Price link and make the necessary changes.
8. Supplier
In the top-right corner of your Receiving Dashboard, make sure to select the supplier you are receiving the product from.
9. Receiving Date
Select the appropriate receiving date for the products to ensure your inventory history remains accurate and up to date.
10. Invoice Number
If desired, you can enter a supplier invoice number that corresponds with this receiving.
11. Shipping & Handling
Enter any additional fees, such as shipping and handling, for this order to ensure the correct invoice amount is tracked.
12. Discounts
If this order includes discounts from the supplier, you can apply a percentage discount to all items or a blanket discount on the entire receiving.
13. Click on Add Payment
Select the appropriate payment method for this order and click the Add Payment button to attach the payment to this receiving.
14. Click on Finish
Click Finish to finalize the receiving process, adding the item quantities to your inventory count and updating the cost value.
15. Click on Barcode Labels
If you wish to print barcodes for this receiving, locate the Barcode Labels option at the top of the Receiving Receipt screen.
Updated on: 12/23/2024
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