Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Memberships: Selling a Membership

coreSTORE - Memberships: Selling a Membership

In this guide, we will walk through the process of selling an established membership to a customer from the coreSTORE sales screen and verifying that the customer has been correctly tagged with the appropriate membership.

1. Click on New Sale

To begin the sales process, navigate to the Sales menu and select the New Sale submenu option.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Choose your Register

If you have not yet opened a register on this browser, you will be prompted to select your Till before proceeding.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Select A Customer

Search for the purchasing customer using the Client Search field, scan their driver's license, or click the Create button to add a new customer if they are not already in the system.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Click on Memberships

Locate the Membership icon in the top right corner of your sales screen.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Click on Memberships/Subscriptions

Once selected, your established membership options will appear for sale. It is essential to sell memberships using the Membership button, as adding a membership as a line item will not properly link it to the client’s billing and membership settings.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Item Name

In the item display, you will see that the selected membership has been added to the sale as an item, ready for processing.

If the item is showing a taxable amount, you can click on the item, edit it, and mark it as No Tax on the item's Pricing tab.

Step 6 screenshot

7. Continue

Click Continue to access the payment methods, or use the Cash or Card quick buttons if they are available.

Step 7 screenshot

8. Click on Add Payment

Select your Payment Type and click Add Payment.

Step 8 screenshot

9. Click on Complete Sale

Click Complete Sale to finalize the transaction.

Step 9 screenshot

10. Receipt

You will either receive a receipt printout or be prompted to choose how you would like to send your client’s receipt. Select the appropriate method, such as Email, Text, or Print, based on your client’s preference.

Step 10 screenshot

11. Click on Sales

Next, click on Sales in your top header to return to the sales screen and confirm the client’s membership status.

Step 11 screenshot

12. Customer Selection

Search for your client in the Client Search field and bring up their profile.

Step 12 screenshot

13. Members Badge

On the right-hand side of the sales screen, you should see the corresponding Membership Badge for the client’s membership. This confirms that the client’s profile is correctly linked to their membership.

Step 13 screenshot

Updated on: 11/25/2024

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