coreSTORE - Inventory: Navigating the Manufactures Dashboard
coreSTORE - Inventory: Navigating the Manufacture Dashboard
In this guide, we will cover how to navigate the Manufacturer Dashboard.
1. Search
In the Search Bar, you can quickly search your list of manufacturers to find an existing entry.
2. Setup coreFORCE Manufacturers
The Setup coreFORCE Manufacturers option allows you to map the manufacturers you've populated in coreSTORE to those that exist on your coreFORCE eCommerce channel.
3. Brands
Brands allows you to add or edit existing brands in your coreSTORE system. Brands are generally used for more granular inventory segmentation and reporting. Keep in mind that a manufacturer and a brand can sometimes be the same, such as Winchester, which also manufactures products for other brands.
4. New Manufacturer
The New Manufacturer button allows you to create and add a new manufacturer to your coreSTORE system. Once added, this manufacturer can be selected when creating inventory items.
5. 3 dot Action Menu
The 3-Dot Action Menu in the top right corner of your Manufacturers Dashboard provides additional options:
Merge Manufacturer: Allows you to combine two manufacturers in case of duplication or if the manufacturers have merged.
Merge Brand: Lets you combine brands in case of duplication or if two product brands have merged.
Excel Import: Enables you to import your manufacturers from an Excel file.
Excel Export: Allows you to export your manufacturer list to Excel.
Manage Deleted Manufacturers: Lets you reinstate any previously deleted manufacturers.
6. Column Configuration Cog Wheel
The Cog Wheel icon allows you to choose which columns are displayed on your Manufacturer Dashboard. Using the Hamburger Icon, you can click and drag the columns into your preferred display sequence.
7. Edit
The Edit button allows you to modify and make changes to existing manufacturers in coreSTORE.
8. Check Box
When you select a manufacturer using the checkbox, additional options will appear. These include the ability to Delete the selected manufacturer, Export all selected records, or Clear Selection.
Updated on: 11/26/2024
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