Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Inventory: How To Perform an Inventory Count

Inventory Counting / Reconciliation is a great way to make sure you have an accurate count of your inventory.

**_Start a New Inventory Count_**

From this screen you can start a new inventory count; or continue an existing count.

Start a New Inventory

When performing a count, there are two modes of entry:

Scan and Set (Default): This means the you scan or search for an item; it will ask you for a count of that item automatically.

Scan and Add: This will work similar to the sales/receiving interface where as you scan/search it will increase the count of that item by 1. This is good if you are using a barcode scanner to count your items.

**_Switching Modes_**

To switch modes Click the button where it says "Scan and Set" and a dropdown will appear for Scan and Add. See Screenshot below:

The mode will Change to Scan and Add:

Once you have completed your count, you can optional update inventory based on the count; or just close it.


Before closing the count, you should click on the button "Items Not Counted" or "Items Not Counted & In Stock" 

"Items Not Counted & In Stock" will show a screen of all the items that were not counted and also show quantities in stock. The system will let you click on the "Count" link on each item and set the count. You can set the items that you do not have in stock to 0.

Your reports will show up in the "Inventory" section of the reports module to view details and summaries of all your counts.

An Example Summary Count Report

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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