Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Inventory: Enabling Age Verification on Inventory

Some items need to be restricted by age based on state regulation. For example, you may need to restrict the sale of pistol ammo to anyone over the age of 21. This can be accomplished on the individual inventory level or by category.

## # coreSTORE | Items

Click on Inventory

We'll start this tutorial by setting this on the category level.

Step 1 screenshot

Click on Categories
Step 2 screenshot

Edit the category or subcategory you want this to apply to
Step 3 screenshot

Check Requires Age Verification:
Step 4 screenshot

Put in the appropriate minimum age
Step 5 screenshot

Click on Save
Step 6 screenshot

Age Prompt

Now when you try to sell anything inside that category, it will first prompt you for age.

If the age requirement is not met, the system will not allow you to sell that item.

Step 7 screenshot

You can also choose to scan the customer's drivers license
Step 8 screenshot

## # Now we'll show how to set the age verification on the individual item level.

Click on Edit

You can find the inventory item by going to Inventory > Items.

Step 9 screenshot

Check Requires Age Verification:
Step 10 screenshot

Type in the required age
Step 11 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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