Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE- Inventory: Creating Rental Items

## # coreSTORE

Create a new item from the Items Screen

Do not use the actual inventory item for rentals, as this would prevent the sale of other units of the same item. Instead, create a new rental item to represent the actual items. This is especially important for firearm rentals.

Create new rental items. Do not use actual inventory items for rentals

Name The Item
Step 2 screenshot

Define Category

Later, we will make sure the rental category is also set to "rental." It's up to you how you want to organize rental categories. Keep in mind, each category will be a separate square on the rental grid, which is covered in a separate article

Step 3 screenshot

Check "Rental Item?" Box.

Once "rental item" is selected, items will have a start and end time when added to a sale and suspended or completed.

Step 4 screenshot

Optional Single Rental Item

If "single rental item" is not checked, that means multiple units of the same item can be rented at the same time. If the box is checked, that mean only one of that item can be rented at a time.
Hearing protection is a good candidates for not being "single rentals," as you likely dont want to keep track of each individual set of ear pro.

On the other hand, it's advisable to mark firearms as "single rental item," as that allows only that particular gun to be rented, and it gives you a record of who has had the gun, and where it has been.

Step 5 screenshot

Click on Color When Rented?:

If using the grid to visually show rentals, this will change the color of the grid square when rented. If you add an image to the item, the image will show on the grid.

Step 6 screenshot

Click on Save
Step 7 screenshot

Now lets set up the rental category
Step 8 screenshot

Navigator to Inventory>Categories, and click edit on desired category.

Step 9 screenshot

Check "Rentals?"
Step 10 screenshot

Optional: Check "Require A Waiver."

If selected, rental items cannot be added to a sale if customer does not have a waiver. This can also be set at the item level. It is recommened to have "requires waiver" and "Require Customer for sale" selected.

Step 11 screenshot

Set Age Limit

Customers under this age cannot have items in this category added to a sale

Step 12 screenshot

Click on Save
Step 13 screenshot

Next, to ensure your rental item shows on the grid, go to Inventory> Categories, and make sure "hide from grid" is not selected.
Step 14 screenshot

Uncheck Hide from Item Grid
Step 15 screenshot

Now you rental items will show on the grid.
Step 16 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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