Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Hardware: How to Manually Open A Cash Drawer

Make sure that you have QZ Tray installed on your computer. If you do not already have QZ Tray on your computer, **click here** to download it.

If you are using a Star printer, you will also need to have the Star Micronics driver called Future Print installed([Click Here]( to download Future Print). If you already have this installed, go to the Star Micronics application and enable Escape POS Simulation. If you do not have a Star printer, you will need to download the driver for your specific printer's brand.

After you have everything you need installed, go to Company>Locations>Registers & Terminals. Then you will want to select the printer for the register that you want to open. This will tell the system that you are now using a new mode to open your cash drawer.

Click on Locations under Company.

Go to Registers and Terminals.

Then Select the Printer you are using.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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