Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Getting Started: Setting up Your Store Currency

Click on Company
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Settings
Step 2 screenshot

Click on Currency
Step 3 screenshot

Currency Symbol

You can change the currency symbol shown throughout coreSTORE by inputting the symbol into this field.

Step 4 screenshot

Currency Code

A currency code is a three-letter code assigned to each currency by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) under the ISO 4217 standard. These codes are used internationally to represent currencies and distinguish them from each other, especially in financial transactions, banking, and currency exchange. For example, the US currency code is USD.

This field is optional.

Step 5 screenshot

Currency Symbol Location

This field is used to designate if the currency symbol is shown in front of or behind the number.

Step 6 screenshot

Number of Decimals

You can designate the number of decimals associated with this currency. We recommend letting coreSTORE determine that on it's own, but you can also choose to determine that yourself.

Step 7 screenshot

Thousands Separator

You can separate the numbers per thousand using a Separator. Usually this is a comma, but it may differ depending on what currency you are inputting.

Step 8 screenshot

Decimal Point

You can change the decimal point symbol in this field.

Step 9 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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