Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - FFL: Updating On Hand Quantity From Bound Book

If there is a discrepancy between the on-hand quantity of an item in your Inventory and how many of the item you have listed in your Bound Book, and you know that the Inventory number is wrong but your Bound Book is correct, you can fix this discrepancy by using the Update Missing Information option.

For example, if you received a quantity of 5 revolvers, and have sold/disposed 4 of them, both the Bound Book and your Inventory should say that you have only 1 revolver left. Suppose, however, that somehow a discrepancy occurred causing your Inventory to not update correctly, and it says that you still have 2 revolvers in your Inventory. You would fix this discrepancy by completing the following steps: 

Go to the Bound Book module,

Click on the "..." menu button,

This will bring up a drop-down list, where you will select Update Missing Information.

Once on the Update Missing Information screen, where it says Choose Source click on the field and select Update Items from Bound Book from the drop-down list, which will make it so that the Bound Book updates your Inventory, instead of your Inventory updating your Bound Book.

Next, check the checkbox titled On Hand. Checking this box will make it so that coreSTORE knows to update the on-hand quantity in your Inventory based upon the how many of the item you have listed in your Bound Book.

Finally, to have coreSTORE update the missing information, click the Update button.

After you click the Update button, coreSTORE will automatically update the on-hand quantity in your Inventory based upon how many of the item you have in your Bound Book. Following the example from the beginning of this article, the Bound Book will still show that you only have 1 revolver left, but now your Inventory will be fixed and now show the on-hand quantity of the revolver as 1.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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