coreSTORE - FFL: Setting Up a Kiosk User for 4473 s
For customers to electronically complete Form 4473, create a dedicated user account on the device. This account functions like a standard user account, but with restricted access. It only has permissions to access the 'Fill Out Form 4473' module. Follow the steps below!
Hover over the Company module
Click on Employees
Click on New Employee
You will need to add the required First Name an Email fields
Click on Employee Login Info
Name the user account
Add a password
Note: if you have the Time Clock enabled, you will want to check the box for "Not Required To Clock in"
Click on Employee Permissions and Access…
You will want to keep all permissions disabled for this account except for the Bound Book
Check the Bound Book Permission
When you check the Bound Book permission, it will auto-check all permissions inside. Simply _un_check the permissions that you don't need.
This is how your Bound Book permission should be set...
## # Click Save!
You're all finished! You can now login to coreSTORE on the device you use to fill out the 4473 form with this employee account.
Hover over the Company module
Click on Employees
Click on New Employee
You will need to add the required First Name an Email fields
Click on Employee Login Info
Name the user account
Add a password
Note: if you have the Time Clock enabled, you will want to check the box for "Not Required To Clock in"
Click on Employee Permissions and Access…
You will want to keep all permissions disabled for this account except for the Bound Book
Check the Bound Book Permission
When you check the Bound Book permission, it will auto-check all permissions inside. Simply _un_check the permissions that you don't need.
This is how your Bound Book permission should be set...
## # Click Save!
You're all finished! You can now login to coreSTORE on the device you use to fill out the 4473 form with this employee account.
Updated on: 06/26/2024
Thank you!