Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - FFL: Setting Up a Kiosk User for 4473 s

For customers to electronically complete Form 4473, create a dedicated user account on the device. This account functions like a standard user account, but with restricted access. It only has permissions to access the 'Fill Out Form 4473' module. Follow the steps below!

Hover over the Company module
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Employees
Step 2 screenshot

Click on New Employee
Step 3 screenshot

You will need to add the required First Name an Email fields
Step 4 screenshot

Click on Employee Login Info
Step 5 screenshot

Name the user account
Step 6 screenshot

Add a password

Note: if you have the Time Clock enabled, you will want to check the box for "Not Required To Clock in"

Step 7 screenshot

Click on Employee Permissions and Access…
Step 8 screenshot


You will want to keep all permissions disabled for this account except for the Bound Book

Step 9 screenshot

Check the Bound Book Permission

When you check the Bound Book permission, it will auto-check all permissions inside. Simply _un_check the permissions that you don't need.

Step 10 screenshot

This is how your Bound Book permission should be set...
Step 11 screenshot

## # Click Save!
You're all finished! You can now login to coreSTORE on the device you use to fill out the 4473 form with this employee account.

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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