Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - FFL: Manually Disposing a Firearm

How to manually dispose a firearm directly in the Bound Book

Access the Bound Book Record

From the Bound Book Dashboard select "Edit" next to the serial number you wish to dispose.

Step 1 screenshot

Open the Disposition Page

Once inside the record select on the "Disposition Information" Tab.

Step 2 screenshot

Disposing to Individual

Search for the customer profile in the customer field and select it from the drop down to attach to the disposition record. Verify that the customer's information is correct and populates the record appropriately.

Step 3 screenshot

Disposing to FFL

Search for the dealer in the Supplier Field and select the record to populate the disposition page. Verify the FFL's information to include the expiration date to ensure it is valid.

If the FFL cannot be found in the search, you can add it to the supplier list by clicking the "+" to the left of the search field.

Step 4 screenshot

Sales Invoice #

Add the POS ID to the "Sales Invoice #" field.

Step 5 screenshot

Dispose 4473 Transaction

Add the 4473 ID to the "Dispose 4473 Transaction" field for dispositions to individuals.

Step 6 screenshot

Add Dates

Add the appropriate "Sold Date and Disposition Date" in the associated fields.

Step 7 screenshot

When all the disposition information is entered, select Save.

When all the disposition information is entered, select Save in the bottom right corner.

Step 8 screenshot

Update Inventory

The system will ask if you want to update inventory to reflect the disposition of the firearm.

Step 9 screenshot

Enter Notes

The system will also open a text box in that allows you to explain the change to the Bound Book record.

Select Save to complete the record update.

Step 10 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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