Articles on: coreSTORE

CoreSTORE - FFL: Manually Acquiring a Firearm

How to manually acquire a firearm directly from the Bound Book Dashboard.

RECOMMENDATION: The PO & Receiving function is the best way to ensure proper cost tracking and invoicing. Use this manual entry option only if absolutely necessary.

Access Bound Book Dashboard

From the left hand menu select "Bound Book." Select "Dashboard" from the expanded menu.

Step 1 screenshot

Select Bound Book

If you have multiple books in this location, select the one you want to acquire the firearm into.

Step 2 screenshot

Create New Record

Click on the "New Record" button to open a new Bound Book record.

Step 3 screenshot

Item Information

The first page you will be brought to is the "Item Information" page.

Either search or scan the product you want to receive. Select it if it appears in the list.

Step 4 screenshot

Product Info

Once a valid product is attached an Item ID and Item Name should populate below the search field.

This is important. The Bound Book record needs to be attached to an Inventory Item in order for it to be attached to sales in the future. This is where the two items are linked together.

Step 5 screenshot

Item Information

The system will auto populate much of the firearm information from the product that was attached in the previous step. You will need to add the Serial Number and review the required information for accuracy.

The information required to be recorded is:

Serial Number




Manufacturer Name

Importer (if there is one)

When you are satisfied that everything is correct click "Next" in the lower right corner.

A pop up window will appear asking if you want to update inventory quantity. Select yes to move to the Acquisition Information page.

Step 6 screenshot

Acquisition Information

The firearm can be acquired from either a supplier or a customer. Use the appropriate fields to search for those records or add them if need be. The system will act the same for either.

In this example we are going to acquire the firearm from a supplier.

Select the supplier record when it shows available. It will auto populate the FFL information into the respective field.

Add the acquisition date in the box under the customer search field.

Step 7 screenshot

Completed Acquisition

Click on the Save button in the lower right corner. You can then return to the Bound Book dashboard.

Step 8 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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