Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - FFL: Documenting Lost, Stolen and Destroyed Firearms

Recording a lost, stolen, or destroyed firearm in the Bound Book

Edit the Record

From the Bound Book Dashboard, select "Edit" next to the serial # you wish to update.

Step 1 screenshot

Select "Lost, Stolen, Destroyed"

From the bound book record select the red "Lost, Stolen, Destroyed" box in the upper right hand corner.

Step 2 screenshot

Select Option

The system will open a data box. Select the appropriate option; Lost, Stolen or Destroyed at the top of that box.

Step 3 screenshot


For use when the firearm has been lost in transit or otherwise missing from an FFL's inventory. Enter the Police Report ID and/or ATF Incident number, Date and document any additional notes related to the loss.

Step 4 screenshot


For use when the firearm is missing as the direct result of a theft or robbery. Enter the Police Report ID and/or ATF Incident number, Date and document any additional notes related to the loss.

Step 5 screenshot


This section allows you to record the complete destruction of a firearm, ensuring it's permanently removed from commercial circulation. Enter the date the firearm was destroyed and provide any relevant notes about the destruction.

Step 6 screenshot

Status Updated

The Bound Book Dashboard will show the firearm's new status.

Step 7 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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