Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - FFL: Data Pushed Back to Bound Book Records By 4473

**When a 4473 is signed off on Section E and submitted, we do two things:**

We compare each piece of customer information entered in Section B with the same slot in the existing customer info related to the sale that generated the 4473:
If the existing customer record is blank in that area, the Section B data is inserted into the customer record
If the existing customer record is NOT blank, we add that to a list and then show the user a dialog box showing both values and asking if they want to overwrite the customer record info with the Section B info. (This is all-or-nothing, so if there are 3 fields that have different data, they can either push the Section B info and overwrite all 3 or decline and keep the existing customer data for those 3.)
We push the data from the 4473 into every connected bound book record

**The customer record fields that are affected are:**

[Section B: Personal Info]
First, Middle, and Last Name
Height, Weight, and Gender
Birth Date
[Section B: Current Address]
Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip
[Section B: Additional Information]
Phone Number
[Section C: Identification]  (If a Driver's license is entered)
License Number, License Expiration Date: if provided

The bound book record fields that are updated are:

4473 Transaction ID
[Section B: Personal Info]
Customer's First, Middle, and Last Name
Customer's Height, Weight, and Gender
Customer's Birth Date and Birth Place
[Section B: Current Address]
Customer's Address 1, Address 2, City, State, and Zip
[Section B: Additional Information]
Customer's Phone Number
Customer's Email
Customer's SSN (if provided)
[Section C: NICS Check]
NICS Transaction ID and NICS Date
[Section C: Identification]  (If a Driver's license is entered)
License Type, License Number, License Expiration Date (if provided)
License Issue Date, License State (Pulled from the Customer record, if it exists)

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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