Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Customers: Export Customers

Exporting a customer list to Excel involves extracting customer data from the system and saving it in an Excel file format. This process allows you to modify multiple customers at once

Click on Sales
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Customers
Step 2 screenshot

Clicking the checkbox will show you a variety of options to do

There are 2 ways of exporting the customer record; By clicking the check box and clicking Excel Export or Under the 3 dot menu

Step 3 screenshot

In the Customers Module, there is a 3-dot menu

Step 4 screenshot

Click on Excel Export

This is another way of Exporting the records and the file will begin downloading to your computer
NOTE: Make sure to check your download folders or the down arrow on your browser (top right)

Step 5 screenshot

Updated on: 06/26/2024

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