Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Channels: Navigating Channels Dashboard

In this guide, we will cover the basics of the Channels Dashboard, providing an overview of how to manage your sales channels effectively.

Subscribe To Channel Tiles

At the top of the Channels Dashboard, you’ll see tiles representing your current multi-channel integrations. Select the integration you want to connect from these options.

Step 1 screenshot

Subscriptions Section

In the Subscriptions section, you’ll see all active and inactive connections that have been established. This area shows the options enabled for your channel, such as order pulling, and any webhooks that are active for those channels.

Step 2 screenshot

Actions Section

In the Actions section, you’ll find global actions for your channel, typically used on a case-by-case basis. These options allow you to import all inventory from your channel to coreSTORE, export all inventory from coreSTORE to a specified channel, and import orders by date. You will also see the Disconnect button, which unlinks the channel from your coreSTORE platform.

Step 3 screenshot

3 Dot Action Menu

The 3 dot menu will give you a few more options on your dashboard.

Step 4 screenshot

3 Dot Menu Options

The additional 3-dot menu options allow you to manage and reactivate any deleted channels or webhooks.

Step 5 screenshot

Updated on: 10/22/2024

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