Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Channels: Establishing your Connection

coreSTORE - Channels: Establishing your Connection.

In this guide, we will cover how to establish the connection between your coreSTORE system and the channel. Before proceeding, please reach out to to inform them that you will be linking your coreSTORE system to their selling channel.

1. Click on Company

First, navigate to the Company menu.

Step 1 screenshot

2. Click on Channels

Next, locate the Channels sub-menu under the Company menu.

Step 2 screenshot

3. Tile

In the Subscribe to Channel section, locate the **** tile to begin the setup process.

Step 3 screenshot

4. Credentials Area

In the Credentials area, enter your Username and Password for The Access Token will automatically populate.

Step 4 screenshot

5. Settings Area

In the Settings area of your setup, you will see the following options:

Active: Marks the channel as actively used.

Channel Name: The name you want to use to identify this channel in coreSTORE.

Website: Typically the URL for your channel’s website.

Exclude Locations: When checked, allows you to exclude inventory from specified locations in the integration. Enter the locations to exclude once this box is checked.

Exclude Tags: Allows you to exclude inventory tagged with specified tags from being published on the site.

Pull Orders: Enables orders to flow from to coreSTORE.

Update When Receiving: Updates item quantities on the website when inventory is received.

Update When Selling Items: Updates item quantities on when items are sold in coreSTORE.

Default Items to Active: Automatically marks new inventory items as active for

Disable Notifications: Suppresses new online order notifications for when enabled.

Step 5 screenshot

6. Click on Rules

Next, navigate to the Rules tab to review the additional settings available for

Step 6 screenshot

7. Rules Section

In the Rules section of the setup, you’ll find additional options:

Limit Inventory %: Sets a percentage of the available inventory to display online, limiting the quantity available for online purchase.

Export Items to Channel: This option must be enabled to push items to your channel.

Import Items to coreSTORE: Allows you to mass import products from your channel into coreSTORE.

Product Custom Fields: Enables the transmission of custom fields for your items to the channel.

Customer Custom Fields: Allows the channel to transmit customer custom fields.

Step 7 screenshot

Updated on: 11/18/2024

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