Articles on: coreSTORE

coreSTORE - Assemblies: Modifying Completing Existing Assemblies

In this guide, we will cover the process of changing an assembly status. There are various reasons to change a status, such as waiting on parts for a customer, canceling the build, or simply marking the build as completed to deplete your component inventory.

Click on Assembly Builds

Let’s navigate to the Inventory menu and then select the Assembly Builds sub-menu.

Step 1 screenshot

Locate the Build

Next, locate the desired build, check the box next to it, and additional options will appear.

Step 2 screenshot

Change Status

Now, you should see a Change Status option appear. Simply click on the drop-down box.

Step 3 screenshot

Select desired Status

I have chosen Complete for the status. Once saved, this will move the item to Completed and correctly deplete the inventory.

Step 4 screenshot

Click on OK
Step 5 screenshot


Now, on the dashboard, you can quickly see that the status has updated from In Progress to Completed.

Step 6 screenshot

Updated on: 10/22/2024

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