Articles on: coreILLA

coreILLA - Emails - Scheduling Email Campaigns with RSS Feed in Coreware

RSS enables you as a business owner to deliver updates and newly published blog content via email. And, rather than sending an email every time a blog is published—which may annoy your user base—you can send periodic RSS emails or newsletters that provide an overview of blog content those user base may have missed out on. 

What is RSS?
RSS is an acronym that stands for "_Really Simply Syndication"_. An RSS feed makes it easy for customers to receive updates and view a curated range of content in one place. But what is an RSS email? 
In the Email Marketing, when you create an RSS email, there will be the option to select the template, design the content, and choose the settings of adding receipt and delivery method as RSS Scheduling for daily, weekly and more.

After logging in to your coreILLA account, from Marketing, click on Email Campaigns.
Step 1 screenshot

Find your RSS email which has already been created or create a new one.
Step 2 screenshot

Once created and ready to send, click on Send or Schedule
Step 3 screenshot

Select RSS Schedule.
Step 4 screenshot

Click on RSS Schedule…In the "Sending options" located on the left of the image above, select "RSS option" and complete the steps below

Step 6: The next thing is to select the option of RSS in the delivery method. 

Step 7: Your RSS Feed URL 

Step 8: Choice of Daily, Weekly, and Monthly 

Step 9: The time when the RSS Email campaign is to be sent out

Step 10: Uncheck the day's from the week when you don't want to send the RSS Email Campaign

It will highlight the next execution date and time with time zone too.

Step 5 screenshot

ℹ️ - Please check the details of the execution date, time, and time zone before scheduling!

- There will be an option to delete or reschedule the email campaign. If the user wants to reschedule the campaign, they can click reschedule and set the date-time of the campaign.

- The reschedule will be allowed before one hour of sending the email campaign. For example if the schedule date is 11 AM EST, it will allow us to reschedule till 10 AM EST.

- There will be RSS Email Campaign has pause option will be available. 

There are a few things left to do before sending the RSS email campaign.

Step 1: Add your recipients in the To section by choosing email(s) or smartlist(s).

Step 2: Add your email address in the From section. 

Step 3: Add your name in the Name section (Optional)

Step 4: Add your subject line in the Subject section.

Step 5: Add your Preview text in the Preview section. (Optional)

Once everything is done, select the contacts you want to send it to and press send to complete the action.

Step 6 screenshot

Updated on: 09/17/2024

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