Articles on: coreILLA

coreILLA - Emails - How to save items in email builder for quick access in coreILLA

Creating professional and symmetric emails can be challenging and time-consuming. This guide will show you how to save design elements and layouts for reuse, helping you maintain symmetry and consistency in your emails.

By following these tips, you can streamline your email creation process and ensure your emails always look polished and well-structured. Let's dive in!

Navigate to the Marketing -> Email Marketing and open any Campaign/ Template
Step 1 screenshot

Create the Layout or Element you wish to save and hover over the element.
Step 2 screenshot

Click on highlighted "Save" button.
Step 3 screenshot

Access the element under the Saved Items section at right hand top
Step 4 screenshot

ℹ️ This will be stored globally and available in builders for all existing or new email templates/ campaigns for quick access for that location

Your saved elements will be displayed here.
Step 5 screenshot

User can now also rename the elements for quick search by clicking on three dots.
Step 6 screenshot

Click on Rename to name the element.
Step 7 screenshot

Rename the element here.
Step 8 screenshot

## # Coreware

Click on Search
Step 9 screenshot

Updated on: 09/17/2024

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