Articles on: coreILLA

coreILLA - Blogs - How to Create a Blog Page Within a Funnel or Website in coreILLA

Create a beautiful blog with our powerful blog post editor, which can be used to compose, optimize for SEO and content marketing, and distribute it anywhere to attract readers.

After logging in to your coreILLA account, click on Sites.
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Websites or Funnels.
Step 2 screenshot

ℹ️ This funnel or website page is going to be your main Blog page which contains all your blog posts which have been added in the Blogs section.

Click on Name…
Step 3 screenshot

Create a new Funnel / Website or add a step/page to an existing one
Step 4 screenshot

Click on Edit
Step 5 screenshot

Click on Add Element
Step 6 screenshot

Drag highlighted element - Blog Posts.
Step 7 screenshot

Choose the element and type of layout between Standard and Compact. Pagination refers to the number of blog posts shown on the landing page.
Step 8 screenshot

You can rename the 'More stories' button.
Step 9 screenshot

Go back to the main page. Add Domain to the site from Funnel / Website Settings, if it is not already added
Step 10 screenshot

Click on Please select a domain and select one.
Step 11 screenshot

If you want the blog page to open when you enter your Domain without any path.

For example, instead of - Go to Settings > Domains > Edit Domain> Select the blog page as Default Page.
Step 12 screenshot

ℹ️ Category, Keywords, Author, and Slug CANNOT be updated after the blog has been published.

Updated on: 09/17/2024

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