coreFORCE - Website: Tax Rates in Basic or Standard Editions
In coreFORCE Basic or Standard (previously Lite) , you are responsible for setting up the taxes for your business. In coreFORCE Basic and Standard, we offer 2 different places where you can manage taxes.
State Tax Rates
Minimum Requirement
At a minimum, you will need to enter a state tax rate for the state in which you are doing business. As a baseline, you should not specify any categories or departments as these will restrict the tax setting for only that category or department.
See example for MA:
Category Specific Taxes
If you would like to restrict taxes based on categories or departments beyond this, you can add as many additional tax rates for the same state as you like.
Flat Rate Taxes
You will also notice that there is a flat rate. This is to appease states who have flat tax rates on certain product like firearms.
Taxes to other states
Whether you need to set up tax rates for additional states is up to you as a business to determine as we are not tax experts. From what we have observed, some states begin to collect taxes on sales to their states after certain thresholds are reached, generally in the 6-digit range but it is ultimately up to you and your accounting team to determine what is needed.
Postal Code Tax Rates
If you and your accounting team determine it is necessary to implement specific postal code tax rates, you can set these up as well. This is generally more important if your business is operating in a postal code that has a higher tax rate than the state your business resides.
The options are identical to what is available for state tax rates and you can specify flat tax and categories where needed:
Updated on: 08/03/2024
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