Articles on: coreFORCE

coreFORCE - Website: Setup Creating new pages

coreFORCE comes equipped with all of the essentials you need to get rolling but we do offer the ability to create new pages from scratch to make your website truly yours! Let's get started below!

Click on Setup > Page Creator
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Add
Step 2 screenshot

Type Your Description Here

Each page requires a description so they can be easily told apart once we're completed

Step 3 screenshot

Click on CSS

If you have some coding knowledge or a pre-packaged style sheet for your page coreFORCE supports any CSS strings needed

Step 4 screenshot

Click on CSS Content

This yellow box will be where all of sweet styling data will be dropped into

Step 5 screenshot

Click on Data

Data is where the bulk of our information such as imagery and text chunks will be housed

Step 6 screenshot

Click on Main Content

Main Content is where coreFORCE pulls all of the necessary code data from to properly display your webpage

Step 7 screenshot

Click on the content builder square

Content Builder is Coreware's approach to folks who aren't tech savvy but would love to get into building their own designs

Step 8 screenshot

Click on the snippets pullout

Our Snippets are an easy way to get exactly what is needed to really spice up that page and break the cookie cutter mold!

Step 9 screenshot

Drag your element of choice

We'll be using the element of an image oriented to the left of a block of text

Step 10 screenshot

Edit the Text

All you will need to do is click on the text block and start typing away! CoreFORCE offers a suite of text editing tools in a toolbar above the text

Step 11 screenshot

Click on your image

Clicking on the image will open the image options such as hyperlinking the image, replacing the image and editing the image's display

Step 12 screenshot

Click on Change Image

This is where you can upload a local image from your computer into the website

Step 13 screenshot

Click on Link

This will open up our hyperlink editing screen

Step 14 screenshot

Click on Link:

This is where we can input any hyperlinks, for example if you would like the image to link to a product listing or a 3rd party website we can establish that here!

Step 15 screenshot

Click on Ok to save your work
Step 16 screenshot

Click on edit

This will bring up the image editing options

Step 17 screenshot

Adjust your image

You'll be able to resize and crop your image to capture the perfect size and content for your vision!

Step 18 screenshot

Click on Apply
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Click on Save
Step 20 screenshot

Click on Main Content

Here we can see once our website is tuned to our liking coreFORCE will input all of that custom coding for us, no coding experience required!

Step 21 screenshot

Click on Save
Step 22 screenshot

Click on your newly created pag

Now we're going to check our work and see if any edits need to be made

Step 23 screenshot

Click on View Page

This will pull up the URL for your newly created page

Step 24 screenshot


Congratulations on creating and formatting your page, if there's anything not quite up to your vision feel free to go back and make as many tweaks as you need!

Step 25 screenshot

Updated on: 09/19/2024

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