Articles on: coreFORCE

coreFORCE - Orders: Setting up Order Statuses

Order Status can be set manually or automatically (via order automatic processing controls).  

Status of the order can show up under the customer's "My Orders" page so you only want this to set these up for certain order statuses. Many of these should be marked internal use only. For example, you wouldn't want the status of an order titled "potential fraud" to show to the customer. However, for a status like "Shipped" you likely WOULD want the customer to see that...

To add a new Order Status, click the blue "+ ADD" button in the top right corner. 

From here, input a unique order status code and description. The description will be what displays when the order status is set. 

If you would like to send a customer an email when the status is set, you can select one from the dropdown. Additionally, you can set this email to resend after a specified amount of days until the order status is changed.

Last, you can set a display color which will highlight the order in the orders dashboard. When you open up the order, the color in the detail section at the top will be set as well. And the Status shows up in the header of the order.

Examples of Order Statuses you could use

FFL File Needed
Finance Approved
Need additional information from the customer
Needs FFL
Out to Coating
Payments may not have gotten completed
Shipment Error
Waiting on finance application
In Transit
Membership Fee Processed

Updated on: 07/08/2024

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