CoreFORCE - Orders: Managing Orders in the Orders Dashboard
The Orders Dashboard includes incoming orders, order status, shipping details, customer payments, and order notes. You can also add your own order notes and fulfill orders by selecting location, distributor, and quantity.
Click on the Order
Order Information
Customer Information
Information such as the customer's email, phone number, coreILLA information if applicable and the IP that was utilized to place the order will be available in this section.
Order Status
The order's status can be configured here, including marking an order as completed or cancelled
Shipping Details of the Order
Customer Payments Made
A record of a customer's payment will appear here, typically a credit card record will be the standard.
Notes on an order
Notes can be left for any special options on an order to document any changes or notify your staff
Type your note in
Click on ADD NOTE
## # Fulfill an order
Item Information
Select Sports South from Location/Distributor
Type "1"
Fulfill All
The Checkmark is an alternative way to fulfill the max possible quantity on an order
Click on the Order
Order Information
Customer Information
Information such as the customer's email, phone number, coreILLA information if applicable and the IP that was utilized to place the order will be available in this section.
Order Status
The order's status can be configured here, including marking an order as completed or cancelled
Shipping Details of the Order
Customer Payments Made
A record of a customer's payment will appear here, typically a credit card record will be the standard.
Notes on an order
Notes can be left for any special options on an order to document any changes or notify your staff
Type your note in
Click on ADD NOTE
## # Fulfill an order
Item Information
Select Sports South from Location/Distributor
Type "1"
Fulfill All
The Checkmark is an alternative way to fulfill the max possible quantity on an order
Updated on: 09/19/2024
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