Articles on: coreFORCE

coreFORCE - Getting Started: User Maintenance

In coreFORCE, users are anyone who has signed up and created an account to log in and save their data. Contacts, on the other hand, don't need a user account. They include data from Guest Checkout and anyone signed up for the Newsletter.

Click on Setup > Users
Step 1 screenshot

Click on Filters
Step 2 screenshot

Filter the List

coreFORCE offers the ability to filter your users list to show only Administrator users

Step 3 screenshot

Click on SAVE
Step 4 screenshot

## # Adding a new User

Click on ADD
Step 5 screenshot

User ID

User ID and Contact ID are fields that get automatically generated, these will vary per user!

Step 6 screenshot

Details Overview
Step 7 screenshot

User Name

User Name will be how your user signs in to coreFORCE

Step 8 screenshot


Upon first creation any password set will be reset by the user upon their first login

Step 9 screenshot

First Name
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Last Name
Step 11 screenshot

Business Name

Business name is an optional field that can be used to identify users that may be either out of a third party contracting service or any other business

Step 12 screenshot


This email will be how your employee utilizes features such as forgot password and the default email utilized for contact

Step 13 screenshot

Date Created

Date created is a simple field that does just that, it displays when the record was created

Step 14 screenshot

Administrator Flag

Administrator Flag is an optional flag to give the user Admin rights to your website, one of the beauties of coreFORCE is this does _NOT_ mean that they will have unrestricted access to your information if you do not wish them to

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Last Login

Last Login displays the last login date for the user

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From will display the last IP Address a user was logged in from

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Last Password Change

Last Password Change will display the last time the user had their password updated, either by an admin or themselves. Great for making sure your users are staying secure and following any password rules set in your company!

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Force password change on next login

This toggle will force the user to generate a new password upon their next login

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Marking a user as locked will restrict any functionality for a user's account the next time they attempt to login

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Inactive will remove any notion of that user's login information at sign in. A simple "User not found" error will display versus a user locked error.

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Contact will be all of the user's contact information

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Click on Access
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Access Controls

If a user is flagged as an administrator you have the power to restrict exactly what modules those users can access once they're logged in. This is a great way to keep your information secure and making sure employee's have access to every section they need

Step 25 screenshot

Updated on: 06/25/2024

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